Max (Mchan338) Chan
Video Games, Music, Adventures
26 | He/Him | Accounting Technician
Hello! My name is Max, but many people know me as Mchan (pronounced M-Chan). I like to do many things but primarily, I make Let's Play videos on YouTube, and am a Variety Streamer / Speedrunner on Twitch.I grew my channel by making Let's Plays of some of my favorite games from the Mario and Pokemon series. In 2017, I started to gradually expand from these franchises and now I play a wide variety of games mostly focusing on Nintendo consoles. All opinions of my playthroughs are my based solely of my own experiences.When I am not on YouTube or Twitch, I am spending quality time with my girlfriend, watching anime of any kind, and/or finding new music. My favorite instrument is the piano, favorite sport is tennis, and I like various genres in music. Although I mostly follow up with Japanese and K-Pop songs. I will be posting whatever goes with my current interests. No NSFW content.
I make Let's Play and Versus videos and I upload them on my YouTube channel every day! My channel is best known for Mario and Pokemon content but I also do other Nintendo and non-Nintendo stuff on an occasion. I do take requests. If there's a game you want to see on my channel, feel free to request here.To see the list of my first 100 LPs, click here
Currently Playing
Let's Plays!
Bowser's Fury (Switch) w/CostilerAphid18, JasonMatthew, & Kingj0444
Kaizo Mario World (SNES) w/ChrisEagor, GoldenArmorWH, & Vinnie
Pokemon Yellow (GBC) w/VinceOmega1, StormStrikerSX9, & Vinnie
Puyo Puyo Tetris (PC/Switch) w/HeyItsJuice & NiGHTSIntoZelda
Sonic Adventure 2 HD (PC/XBLA) w/HaydenGames3 & Whatjamagiveit
Super Mario 3D All-Stars (Switch) w/Butter101, JasonMatthew, & Whatjamagiveit
Super Mario 3D Series (N64/GCN/Wii) w/Radical Racers & Twin Galaxies
Super Mario Galaxy (Wii) w/Megawiimaster1, MultiGameMaster1, & Kingj0444
Super Mario Galaxy (Wii) w/Whatjamagiveit, Megawiimaster1 & MultiGameMaster1
Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii) w/MultiGameMaster1, Megawiimaster1, & LittleSahPlays
Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii) w/Jeman155, LittleSah, & Megawiimaster1
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (SNES) w/GoldenArmorWH & TheGrandGalaxyMaster
Super Mario Sunshine (GCN) w/MegaKidicarus, JasonMatthew, & RetroReviver
Super Metroid/A Link To The Past Randomizer (SNES) w/RetroReviver & MegaKidicarus
Super Paper Mario (Wii) w/JasonMatthew, Megawiimaster1, & Whatjamagiveit
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii) with JasonMatthew, RetroReviver and Whatjamagiveit
The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past (SNES) w/GoldenArmorWH, VinceOmega1, & LegacyGamerHD
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD (Wii U) w/Jason Matthew
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/Wii U) w/LittleSahPlays
Next LP Hint:
Mystery Game."You look sad. Don't cry. I will give you a smile that can last forever."
I am mostly contacted through Twitter [@MchanPlayz] or Discord (MchanPlayz#2916). I am also available on Facebook but it is mostly for personal uses. Any other platforms not listed on the icons below, you're most likely not speaking to me.I'm usually available for guest commentary of LPs, other YouTube collaborations, or just to chat! I try to reply to everything as soon as I can. However, I will not be answering any questions about future projects or answer questions that are answered in a video of mine. Feel free to join my discord server to talk with my community members or DM me about project details.While not required, I'd like to know who you are before sending me friend requests on social media or online games. I get shy when I'm meeting people, so I'd appreciate knowing who's adding me.
Donations are not required but if you feel obligated and want to show your support, then you may donate by clicking on either of these two links. One day, I want to pursue being a full-time content creator. So all donations are greatly appreciated.
All donations will go towards improving my recording equipment, more games to record, real life expenses and keeping me alive.
Let's Plays! (1-100)
This is a list of the first 100 Let's Plays that I have done over the years. Since I have played through a lot of games, I figured the Let's Play list will be very long. So here's the first 100.